Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lab #3

View Remote Sensing Field Trip in a larger map

With more and more advancements in technology a much larger population is gaining access to the products necessary to produce geographic content.  Neogeography is the term used to describe the use of geographic tools to produce personal geographic content by people who are not experts in the field.  The internet is one of the major driving forces behind the neogeography movement.  With the internet and programs like google maps, anyone can produce a map nowadays.

For example, in this lab we used google maps to make a map of our own, and this can be considered neogeography.  Neogeography has greatly expanded the geographic content that we now have access to.  Now the internet is filled with maps that have been created by amateurs that are not expert geographers.  This has its benefits as well as its downfalls.  One of the good things about neogeography is the volume of content available to us.  If there is something you're interested in it is likely that someone has produced a map and posted it online.  A negative effect of neogeography is the quality of the content.  With so many people producing maps, there is a high probability that the information portrayed may be inaccurate.  But there is great potential for neogeography to benefit society.  As people get more educated in the use of geographic tools, the content produced will get better and better.

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