Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lab 4

     In this assignment we got our first exposure to using GIS software. The particular program we were working with was called ArcMap. As always, it takes a while to become familiar with a new program. We started off by using a tutorial to learn the basic functions of the ArcMap program. The tutorial was very well put together and it was easy to follow the directions to reproduce our own map.

     The potentials of GIS are extremely great. Products of GIS software can be used in many different fields. The ability to represent data spatially can be a very powerful and useful tool. Being able to present data in a graphic illustration corresponding to geographic locations can make the data much easier to understand. For example, in this lab we produced several different maps. One of them showed the population density for different areas in the county. We represented population density on the map by assigning different ranges different color. With this map, we can very quickly see what parts of the county are the most densely populated. If we just had a table with the population densities it would be much more difficult to interpret the data and get an idea of the geographic picture.

     Despite its many benefits, GIS may have some pitfalls. GIS software can be very complicated, and it is very easy to make mistakes when producing a map. If the user is inexperienced they can have a very difficult time producing a useful map. Inexperience can also lead to the use producing products that represent the data inaccurately. Another potential pitfall of GIS is that the readers of the map may not interpret the product in the way that the creator intended. The product may have been meant to portray one thing, but the reader may interpret it in a totally different way. That is why when you are producing your map you must be extremely careful to make it as easy to interpret as possible. It is also always a good idea to ask someone else to look at your map and tell you what they think it is saying, just so you know that you are on the right track.

     Overall, my first experience with ArcMap was very good. The tutorial provided good instruction that was not overly complicated. The finished product does a good job of spatially representing the data given and portraying it in an easy to read format. After completing this assignment it is easy to see why GIS is so widely used and how it can be beneficial in so many fields of study.

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